According to an article in the November 2016 edition of Texas Lawyer, “lawyers who sue other lawyers may not be the most popular in a roomful of gladhanding attorneys, but several veterans said they either have not experienced much negativity from others in the bar, or they consider criticism part of the territory.”
In the article entitled “Lawyers Who Sue Lawyers Win Thanks and Derision”, Jim Pennington was quoted as saying: “For the most part, lawyers … understand that they all make mistakes and there’s a need for an attorney to step in.” The author described how Mr. Pennington’s practice in the legal malpractice field began. “James Pennington … got into legal malpractice litigation about 20 years ago when an attorney friend in town asked him to represent one of his clients who wanted to file a fee dispute suit against a former lawyer. Pennington said that suit settled, but because of it, he started getting referrals. ‘There weren’t hardly any attorneys that were doing that and I just really enjoy doing that. I’ve always been kind of a guy that likes representing the underdog, so when you have a client who’s been wronged by an attorney, they are clearly at a disadvantage. That appeals to me,’ Pennington said.”
Brenda Sapino Jeffreys | Texas Lawyer | November 1, 2016